Monday, July 27, 2009

Moving Day is Coming Soon, Coming Soon, Coming Soon....

Did anyone else sing that title to the tune of "The wheels on the bus go round and round"?
Haha Anyways, It's pretty much here already, I'm so booked up it is both terrible and fabulous!
Our official moving day is the 9th of August... But Seriously my week is pretty chaotic. Example:

27th - Monday: Brandon's Driving Exam,
Moving stuff from Brandon's house, and
Cleaning my bedroom.
28th - Tuesday: Cleaning and Work at 4:00
29th - Wednesday: Work(all day)
30th - Thursday: Work at 4, Brandon Gone
31st - Friday: Cleaning
1st - Saturday: Work
2nd - Sunday: Work, Church, BBQ
3rd - Monday: Visiting Brandon's Parents, Packing Day
4th - Tuesday: Maybe BBQ?
5th - Wednesday: Packing Day
6th - Thursday: Packing Day
7th - Friday: Loading Day, Moving Auntie Deb
8th - Saturday: Moving and Pacing Auntie Deb, Cleaning
9th - Sunday: Traveling Day, Kelowna
10th - Monday: Kelowna to Edmonton
11th - Tuesday: Edmonton Mall
12th - Wednesday: Edmonton Mall
13th - Thursday:Cold Lake.

Needless to say, The Olmsteads+1 are going to be incredibly these next few weeks.
Please keep us in your prayers. Both for energy and excitement!

Monday, July 20, 2009


Well, It's clearly summer as my blogging has dropped to an all time low... no posts in a month!
I guess thats cause i've been out enjoying the summer annddd working non-stop. But lets be honest here, I love it.

So I guess a very brief update:

Graduation 09: Grad was phenomenal. It was so rad to have a normal grad like everyone else. Everyone just hung out like we were all tight. It was great! my hair was amazing and my parents definitely made my graduation special!

Piano: Some of you still may not know it... but I PASSED MY GRADE 8 EXAM! Yay! Haha, and for anyone whom I haven't explained this too... sometime last year I also had taken a Grade 2 theory rudiments exam and that exam paired with the one I just passed means I am officially allowed to teach RCM up to grade 3. I'm really excited. I'm also playing again after my month long fiesta for my flaring tendonitis. My wrists feel much better.... but i'm thinking about picking up some homeopathy before we leave.

Moving: Moving has been intense. We have 19 more days until we leave and it truly has been a complete gong show. Leaving is going to suck so bad even though I'm really excited about the change. I just want everything to be done and over with. It's hectic. We are still praying to upgrade to an even nicer PMQ but we won't know it's availability until the 25th. Here's hoping.

Work: IS AMAZING! It's totally picked up and I love my bosses and Bella and Benj are the cutest things. I'm going to miss them so much when I leave.

Aside from all of that. Graduated life is weird. Kinda boring in fact.... I've been spending any and all of my free time at my favorite spots of the island ... Although I'm excited to have the pace pick up when we move.
This Sunday Brandon and I went down to Nanaimo to see all of hios faveorite places and spots growing up. That was fun! Had some good food. Went on some walks. Got amazing deals at the Gap! and even went over to Newcastle.

All in all... I've been working, hanging out, packing, and taking every oppertunity to got out with my camera. I have been having A LOT of fun.