Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Consumed Worship And New Books,

Well.. It's been awhile.
This month has been busy and such with the ongoings off life, work, settling into school work and life. It's been a good month, but i'm glad to have it behind me (for the most part). It's been a month of struggling to actually become motivated for school, as well as readjusting to my dad being home and working two jobs, but now It's settled down and I am ready for the year. Some exciting things sinnce i lasted blogged about before i move on to my current ongoings, cunundrums and thoughts;

My Beloved 1991 Chrysler Dynasty, Pumba, is now insured and on the road. He still needs some work such as lubrication to his belt, a new windsheild, oil change, tune up and upgrades to his stereo and sound systems; But he is driving and he's amazing.

I GOT MY BOOKS. Now none of you have a clue what books, so i'll tell you. I have been waiting since Christmas of last year for the new Key Word Study Bible to be published so that i could buy it, but it didn't come out until August. So I ordered it off a few days after my birthday, along with the student Bible dictionary and The Message// remix: solo (Devotional) And they Finally CAME! This is a larger than life momentus occassion and let me tell you, the Bible has never been better and I've never had such an amzing devotional. For 9.99 You Too can own this fantasmal 365 (-1) Day Devotional!

So, Moving on. Life is good. Just good. School is trying, Probably mnore cause its my last year and i'm dragging my butt more than anything. Piano Is fabulous, I'm learning so much and it's exciting. Work, Well... Work is amazing. So Good. God has blessed me so much with my new job and it feels really good to not be tight on money, at all and STILL afford my Europe Trip. And To Top ot all off: I, Yes me, Officially get to be apart of COMSUMED 2008 WORSHIP TEAM. HALLELUJAH!! I am so very excited about this; Playing for consumed has been my dream since Consumed 2005 Fall. YAY! So yeah, Bit of an update for you.

Now i'm off to play on the AMAZING church Grand Piano.

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