Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back To Life as I Know It.

Hallelujah! School is in. Mostly everyone knows that this is my favorite time of year, The new books, School supplies, and multitudes of pens and notebooks are the best thing next to Heaven for a girl who lives her life with lists and schedules. Although this past like, 5 days have been rather busy and emotionally roller coaster-ish. I am ready SO for my school! It's pretty hard to believe that this is my last ever year in the crazy-ness we call high school and I'm not sure I'm ready to see it end. I mean, fo'show in has been some of the hardest and .. well most confusing year(s) of my life thus far, but it has also brought such huge amounts of growth and maturity into my life.

I still can remember when I was 11 (not that it was so long ago) and me and my best friend at the time, Chelsey, would talk about how great it would be to be 16, With our drivers licenses, our boyfriends (who would obviously adore us), Our Best friends, and then to graduate. Well, not necessarily in that order or all at once. But now, God has brought me to a point... that I remember so distantly dreaming of. Grade 12 (and Early) Graduating with some of my best friends (y'know who you are) Drivers License, 16, and a Boyfriend (who adores God.. ) and it's amazing.. to say the very least.

Yay for the start of school, and Whoo for the Graduating Class of 09!

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