Thursday, November 13, 2008

[It's Been Awhile...]

Sorry it's been so long. There has been sooo many things going on in life right now, that i couldn't even come close to comprehending writing on here. First off. I've recently found the "Follow This Blog" Button && Frankly, it has saved my life. Do you know how hard it was to keep track of all the blogs i read and continuously have them on the side thingy? No probably not, cause none of you are me... but it was TERRIBLE.

Anyways, on to more important matters... like CONSUMED!! Heck yes. Ohmigoodness, so excited! Not only is the entire freaking confrence going to be amazing, But i'm also on worship.. And that makes it 7 quadrillon times more exciting because.. I LOVE WORSHIP. And Not Only do I love to worship my God . I am so passionate about it that I think everyone should do it, all the time. So to get to be apart of the worship team for consumed, with my piano [which I might add, takes that 7 quadrillon and multiplies it again by 10 quadrillon] and just simply getting to worship God with so many other people from different places, different ages and different stages in Life; Is pretty amazing. Needless to say, I'm Stoked.

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