Saturday, June 6, 2009

It's SO Close..

Holy Cow!
Only 10 more days until the offical end of school and 11 til I'm done forever.
I Can't wait!
Somehow (Obviously supernaturally...) I've been managing 2 comp civ 12 asignments a day and still staying somewhat sane. I've got 16 school assignments left, and I can almost see the finish line.

Oh Hai Grad 09!


More in-depth and fun blogs will be coming up after Grad. And definitly some wicked Grad pictures.

Oh yeah! Mom's home now.. and boy am I glad.
However, both of my parents are leaving on Tuesday for a house hunting trip. First time home alone with the boys for a week;
Wish me luck!

The End.

1 comment:

Natahsha Priya said...


I'm so excited. And school work, managing it all is the blessings of an amazing God.

I just have tests in principles 12 and a project for entre 12. then my english provincial on the 17th.